


* Inter-process Communication Logger


* @module greppy/app/cluster/worker/ipc/logger

* @author Hermann Mayer <hermann.mayer92@gmail.com>


var util = require('util');

var winston = require('winston');


* @constructor


var IPCLogger = winston.transports.IPCLogger = function (options)


this.name = 'IPCLogger';

this.level = options.level || 'info';

this.worker = options.worker;

this.type = options.type || 'default';



* Extend the Winston transport class


util.inherits(IPCLogger, winston.Transport);


* Implementation of the Winston transport API.

* This method calls with the help of the worker

* IPC stack the master process for logging.


IPCLogger.prototype.log = function (level, msg, meta, callback)


this.worker.getIPC().request('logger.log', {

level : level,

msg : msg,

meta : meta,

type : this.type


callback(null, true);


module.exports = IPCLogger;