
We designed our framework to implement the MVC (Model-View-Controler) pattern with the help of the Express framework and our application structure. Greppy is a top-layer overlay for Express and extends the functionality of it. So we support encapsulation of controllers into namespaces (called modules) and an uniform loading mechanism for them.

Structures of modules

We split the resources of modules into separate sub-directories to ensure a clean encapsulation of file types. The following is a sample structure:

├── controllers
│   └── index.js
├── helpers
│   ├── controller
│   ├── fetchers
│   ├── requests
│   │   └── github.js
│   └── view
├── models
│   └── connection
│       └── DataSource.js
└── resources
    └── views
        ├── index
        │   └── index.jade
        ├── layout.jade
        └── layout.json

Any module of Greppy should look like this. You can define any kind of files in a module, as long as it fits in this namespace.

Working with controllers

Lets look at a simple index controller, which will only render a view without pushing data to it.

 * Index Controller
 * @module demo/controller/index
 * @author Hermann Mayer <>

 * @constructor
var IndexController = function()
    // Call the super constructor;

 * Extend Greppy framework base controller
util.inherits(IndexController, greppy.get('http.mvc.controller'));

 * Build the controller instance
module.exports = IndexController = new IndexController();

 * Deliver the home page.
 * @type {ControllerAction}
 * @public
IndexController.actions.index =
    methods : ['GET'],
    action  : function(req, res) {

        // Render the view

Working with views

A view can be defined as Jade or any templating engine you want. You just have to configure it in the worker context. A simple example for the previous declared controller action could look like this:

h2 Hello World
  a.pull-right(onclick="history.back();", title="Zurück").btn

  | This would be a long paragraph.
  | Over many lines.


Working with helpers

Helpers are a blessing for sharing code and functionality across multiple modules of your application. So you can use parts of your service right inside of your admin module without reimplementing the functionality.

Helpers can be encapsulated and separated into namespaces under the helpers directory of your model. The previously shown module directory structure got a github helper, located in a request namespace. To access this helper, the following code will do the trick:

var helper = greppy.helper.get('admin.requests.github');

If you plan to put helpers directly in the modules helpers directory, you can access them this way:

var helper = greppy.helper.get('admin.helperName');

Greppy ships with some predefined helper sets for many common needs. Accessing these is basically the same:

var helper = greppy.helper.get('controller.error');

You just don't specify the module name.

To get an overview of all defined helpers, use the list() method of the helper store. Just call it this way:

var helperNames = greppy.helper.list();

With Greppy 0.5.0 we support wildcard loading of helpers. Just add an asterisk at the end of a helper path to load all matching helpers. They will be returned as a map.

var viewHelpers = greppy.helper.get('view.*');
// => { date: {}, route: {}, type: {} }

Define own helpers

A sample helper could look like this:

 * Test Helper
 * @module demo/helper/test
 * @author Hermann Mayer <>

 * @constructor
var TestHelper = function()

 * Just prefix the given string with a test tag.
 * @param {String} str - String to prefix with test
 * @return {String}
TestHelper.prototype.test = function(str)
    return '[Test] ' + str;

module.exports = TestHelper;

The defined helper test got a method test(str).

Additional documentation


Greppy provides an authentication system, which is based on adapters and handlers. The authentication process is splitted into two parts, where the input (eg. username and password), which comes from the user, will be handled by authentication handlers and the datasource on which this inputs will be verified by one or many adapters.


An adapter is a simple component that just performs authentication against a datasource and returns the result. The adapter is like an interface to a datasource and the datasource acts like a whitelist. Such an adapter can additionaly be stuck into a handler, giving the opportunity to do some processing around the authentication and to perform operations on error or success.


var options = {
    users : [
            username : 'greppler',
            password : 'secret'
            username : 'another_greppler',
            password : 'much_more_secret'

var arrayAuthAdapter = new (greppy.get('auth.adapter.array'))(options);
  • {Object} options - Options of the array authentication adapter
    • {Array} users - Whitelist of users
      • {String} username - Loginname of a user
      • {String} password - Password of a user


var options = {
    file : 'path/to/htpasswd'

var htpasswdAuthAdapter = new (greppy.get('auth.adapter.htpasswd'))(options);
  • {Object} options - Options of the htpasswd authentication adapter
    • {String} file - path to the .htpasswd file (generated with htpasswd)


var options = {
    ldap: {
        url        : 'ldaps://',
        tlsOptions : {
            rejectUnauthorized: false
        userBindDN : 'uid={{{username}}},ou=Users,dc=acme,dc=net'

var ldapAuthAdapter = new (greppy.get('auth.adapter.ldap'))(options);
  • {Object} options - Options of the LDAP authentication adapter
    • {Object} ldap - Options of the LDAP client
      • {String} userBindDN - The DN all user connections should be bound as, use the placeholder {{{username}}}
      • {Mixed} other Parameters - Various options of the LDAP client according to ldapjs

Define own adapters

The definition of own authentication adapters is very easy. Just create a class and implement the authentication(user, credentials, callback) method. Everything else is up to you.

 * Sekeleton Authentication Adapter
 * This authentication adapter authenticates users ... .
 * @module greppy/auth/adapter/skeleton
 * @author Ralf Grawunder <>

 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} options - Options of the skeleton authentication adapter
var SekeletonAuthAdapter = function(options)
    this.options = options || null;

 * Authenticate a user with his credentials ... .
 * @param {Mixed} user - Representation of the user
 * @param {Mixed} credentials - Representation of the credentials
 * @param {Function} callback - Function to call when finished
 * @return void
SekeletonAuthAdapter.prototype.authentication = function(user, credentials, callback)
    var err             = undefined;
    var isAuthenticated = true;

    callback && callback(err, isAuthenticated);

module.exports = SekeletonAuthAdapter;


The handler provides an interface to the data input.


var httpAuth = new (greppy.get('auth.handler.http'))({
    adapter: [htpasswdSource, arraySource],
    success: function() {
        // The user inputs were verified against the adapters
        // and are proven to be valid
    error: function() {
        // The user inputs couldn't be verified or
        // the inputs are not valid on any adapter
  • {Object} options - Options of the base authentication handler
    • {Object | Array} adapter - Reference to the authentication adapter(s) to be used
    • {Function} success - Optional: Operation to perform when the authentication has succeeded
    • {Function} error - Optional: Operation to perform when the authentication has failed

Define own handlers

The definition of own authentication handlers is very easy, too. Specialized authentication must inherit the base handler and overwrite the middleware(req, res, callback) and can overwrite the post(isAuthenticated, callback) methods. Everything else is up to you.

 * Skeleton Authentication Handler
 * @module greppy/auth/handler/skeleton
 * @author Ralf Grawunder <>

 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} options - Options of the skeleton authentication handler
var SkeletonAuthHandler = function(options)
    // Call the super constructor
    SkeletonAuthHandler.super_.apply(this, arguments);

 * Extend Greppy framework base authentication handler
util.inherits(SkeletonAuthHandler, greppy.get('auth.handlers.base'));

 * Do some preparation before the authentication and fetch the
 * representations of the user and credentials according to the
 * authentication adapter(s).
 * @param {Object} req - The Request
 * @param {Object} res - The Response
 * @param {Function} next - Function to call when finished
 * @return void
SkeletonAuthHandler.prototype.middleware = function(req, res, next)
    // Do some mapping, cleaning and preparations like:
    var user        = req.body.user || '';
    var credentials = req.body.credentials || '';

    // Call the base handler authentication processing method, user, credentials, next);

 * Do some postprocessing after the authentication.
 * @param {Boolean} isAuthenticated - AHas the user been authenticated?
 * @param {Function} callback - Function to call when finished
 * @return void
 */ = function(isAuthenticated, callback)
    // Do some post processing

    callback && callback();

module.exports = SkeletonAuthHandler;


An usefull example for the Greppy authentication system is the usage on controllers which you want to protect against unauthenticated access. So you can setup an authentication handler with adapter for every controller you want to protect, but it's more clever to define all these configurations on the context configuration. So you would write something like this inside the configure() method of your context:

Context.prototype.configure = function(app, server, callback)
    // Define some Auth stuff
    var httpAuth = new (greppy.get('auth.handler.http'))({
        adapter: [
            new (greppy.get('auth.adapter.array'))({
                users: [
                    {username: 'admin', password: 'admin'}
            new (greppy.get('auth.adapter.htpasswd'))({
                file: __dirname + '/../config/htpasswd'

    app.set('auth.http', httpAuth);

    // ...

So the auth.http setting of the application can be accessed by the controller specific configure() method like this:

Controller.prototype.configure = function(app, server, callback)
    this.options.auth.handler = app.get('auth.http');
    this.options.auth.routes  = [];

    callback && callback();

You can manage the protection very fine-grained to every route of the controller by an array of regular expressions. If this array is empty all routes of the controller will be protected by the given handler. If you set options.auth.routes to null, no route of the controller will be protected.