Database Management

Managing your databases with db-Store

To manage the framework's backend connections, a special backend layer was implemented. The db-Store now acts as the layer's head. It processes the backend configuration and initializes all backends with their corresponding connections. Furthermore, it provides the possibility to integrate a different ORM for each backend. db-Store works absolutely asynchronous, which results in the layer's high performance. Additionally, db-Store includes and defines a set of methods for every backend interface. A purposeful and easy workflow is established using these methods. The current backend adapters are currently limited to MySQL, MongoDB, and Memcached. Every adapter provides the possibility to use the backend's native implementation, making specialised accesses easy.

db-Store's methods

db-Store should be the first big initialisation as it is of vital importance for persisting data. If the adapter's configuration fails, the worker has to be shut down by normal means. After shutting down the worker, the master tries to spawn a new worker to take the previous one's place which enables the worker to start a fresh backend connection.

Unless interrupted manually, the server tries to spawn workers indefinitely until the designated amount of workers is reached. Database failures and other external failures can be bypassed by this measurement, without requiring manual interference.

db-Store in action


db-Store can handle multiple backend connections by using a structure like this:

 * Current Environment specific Database connections
config.database = {

    mysql: {

        demo: {
            username    : 'root',
            password    : '',
            db          : 'demo_development',
            host        : '',
            port        : 3306

        // Next connection
        connection: {...}

    // Next backend
    backend: {...}


The generic worker implementation will setup the db-Store automatically by your given configuration. So after booting the worker you can use all configured backend connections.

Accessing a backend connection

The db-Store provides the method get() to get the backend connection. This is just a wrapper class around the real backend adapter.

var connection = greppy.db.get('mysql.demo');

Methods of a backend connection

Methods wrapped by the backend adapters are:

constructor(name, backend, config)

Properties of a backend connection

A backend connection also ships with some public accessible properties:

errors // All errors which came from the backend adapter
instance // The plain backend connection instance
name // Name of the connection
config // Configuration of the connection

Working with backends


The db-Store MySQL adapter is based on the npm package mysql and on the sequelize ORM. Sequelize offers the possibility to describe and manage models, migrations, fixtures and associations between the models. Next we will describe the features of this backend adapter.


The structure of a model definition looks like the following:

 * Lease Model
module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes)
    return sequelize.define(

        // Define name of the model

        // Define all properties for the model
            id: {
                type          : DataTypes.STRING,
                primaryKey    : true,
                autoIncrement : false

            expires_at: {
                type: DataTypes.DATE,

        // Specific Options for the model
            underscored : true,
            charset     : 'utf8',
            collate     : 'utf8_general_ci',
            timestamps  : false

Every model is represented by it's own file, which is named after the model.


To stick with our previous example of the Lease model, let's take a look at the migrations for this case:

 * Leases Migration
module.exports = {

    // Forward-migration method
    up: function(migration, DataTypes, done)

            // Define name of the table

            // Define all columns for the table
                id: {
                    type          : DataTypes.STRING,
                    autoIncrement : false,
                    primaryKey    : true

                expires_at: {
                    type      : DataTypes.DATE,
                    allowNull : false

            // Specific Options for the table
                engine  : 'InnoDB',
                collate : 'utf8_general_ci'

        ).complete(function(err) {

    // Backward-migration method
    down: function(migration, DataTypes, done)

The filename of migrations must be in the following format:


Migrations are deployed under the path database/migrations/CONNECTION.


Because fixtures don't make sense for Leases, we use the DataSource model as an example:

 * Fixtures for DataSources
module.exports = function(orm, models, share, utils, callback)
    chainer = new utils.QueryChainer;

    var dataSources = [
            source_id  : 'b7bfa6bb-b121-4e4b-b97f-2de78655e5f2',
            url        : '',
            creator_id : share.users[0].id

    dataSources.forEach(function(item) {
    }); {
        share.dataSources = results;
        callback && callback();
    }).error(function(err) {
        callback && callback(err);

The filename of fixtures needs to be in the following format:


The GROUP is a numeric value, which shows the dependencies of the model. The smaller this value, the earlier the fixture will be queued. If for example the model DataSource is based on the User model, it's group would be higher than that of the user.


Fixtures need to be deployed under database/fixtures/CONNECTION.


The access to Sequelize as MySQL ORM is pretty easy with the db-Store.

greppy.db.get('mysql.demo').getORM(function(orm, models) {

    models.DataSource.find(1).success(function(record) {

        // Your application code here

    }).error(function(err) {

        // Do something usefull in case of errors

Further documentation


The db-Store MongoDB adapter is based on the npm package mongodb and on the mongoose ORM. Mongoose offers the possibility to describe schemas and manage models. The adapter got functionality to perform migrations and loading fixtures.

Next we will describe the features of this backend adapter.


The structure of a model definition looks like the following:

 * User model

var User = new Schema({

    role_id: {
        type: Number,
        default: 1

    fullname: {
        type: String

    email: {
        type: String,
        index: true

    password: {
        type: String

    deleted_at: {
        type: Date,
        default: null

module.exports = User;

You are free to require() other schemas to build associations, load plugins or do some validation stuff which is supported by Mongoose at this point. Every model is represented by it's own file, which is named after the model.


Migrations are very useful if you don't want to use Mongoose, but still need to create indexes or do some other stuff like manipulating your datasets. A simple example for a migration could be the following:

 * Users Migration
module.exports = {

    // Forward-migration method
    up: function(db, orm, done)
        db.collection('users', function(err, collection) {

            if (err) {
                return done(err);

                'email': 1,
                'fullname': 1
            }, {
                name: 'email_fullname',
                unique: true,
                background: true
            }, done);

    // Backward-migration method
    down: function(db, orm, done)
        db.collection('users', function(err, collection) {

            if (err) {
                return done(err);

            collection.dropIndex('email_fullname', done);

The filename of migrations must be in the following format:


Migrations are deployed under the path database/migrations/CONNECTION.


An application without data is most often very useless, so you surely want to prepare a set of documents, which will be inserted if you rebuild the whole database. Here's an easy example for a user fixture:

 * Fixtures for Users collection
module.exports = function(orm, models, share, utils, callback)
    var records = [
            "role_id"  : 1,
            "fullname" : "Hermann Mayer",
            "email"    : "",
            "password" : "894904fa3048a795284a51233792f737"
            "role_id"  : 1,
            "fullname" : "Patrick Jaksch",
            "email"    : "",
            "password" : "c4ef76b05908a729f4f857ddee667c14"
    ];, function(record, callback) {

        models.User.create(record, function (err, savedUser) {

            if (err) {
                return callback && callback(err);

            callback && callback(null, record);

    }, function(err, records) {

        if (err) {
            return callback && callback(err);

        share.Users = records;
        callback && callback();

The filename of fixtures needs to be in the following format:


The GROUP is a numeric value, which shows the dependencies of the model. The smaller this value, the earlier the fixture will be queued. Fixtures need to be deployed under database/fixtures/CONNECTION.


The access to Mongoose is pretty easy with the db-Store.

greppy.db.get('mongodb.demo').getORM(function(orm, models) {

    models.User.findOne({'fullname': 'Test User'}, function(err, document) {

        if (err) {
            // Do something usefull in case of errors
            return log.error(err);

        // Your application code here

Further documentation