

The structure results from an application's logical encapsulation of namespaces and responsibilities. A brief overview can be described as the following:

├── app
│   ├── config
│   │   └── application.js
│   ├── context
│   │   └── acme.js
│   ├── master.js
│   └── worker.js
├── bin
├── database
│   ├── fixtures
│   └── migrations
├── docs
├── modules
│   └── acme
│       ├── controllers
│       │   └── index.js
│       ├── helpers
│       ├── models
│       └── resources
│           └── views
│               ├── app
│               │   └── home.jade
│               └── layout.jade
├── node_modules
├── public
│   ├── components
│   ├── css
│   ├── img
│   └── js
├── tests
├── var
│   ├── cache
│   ├── log
│   └── run
├── bower.json
├── package.json

Directory Breakdown

  • package.json Package meta data - gives a short description of the package including dependencies. See:

  • A getting started document, describing the workflow and helping new developers to find a starting point.

  • bin/ The script directory in which scripts are located.

  • app/ The application directory.

    • config/ The config directory contains the application's configuration files.

    • context/ All worker contexts are located here.

    • worker.js The worker provides the actual application with it's own web server which waits for requests. The main task is to load and run the application with various settings.

    • server.js File which is passed to Node in order to start the cluster master, which forks the worker processes.

  • node_modules/ The node modules are managed by the node package manager (npm) and consist of external libraries.

  • modules/ The actual application.

    • name This directory contains all components of the module "name", like controllers and resources. The name can be chosen freely and classes can be encapsulated in sensible namespaces.

      • controllers/ Every *.js file will be loaded and added to the application.

      • models/ All models of the module are located in here.

        • name/ Name of the connection for the models.
      • resources/ The resources directory contains static files which belong to the module.

        • views/ The views directory contains all views which are used by the module's controllers.
  • var/ This directory contains variable files.

    • cache/ The cache is located here.

    • log/ Log files can be found here.

    • run/ Greppy puts all pid files in here.

  • tests/ The tests directory contains all test cases.

  • docs/ Documentations of the actual project and the API are located here.

  • public/ The public directory provides all static content for the whole application. They're accessible over the web browser.

  • database/ Migration and fixture files are located in the database directory.




  • IPC pool provisioning
  • Worker process management
  • managing the application logs
  • ability to register metrics (counter, stats)


The server is the starting point of the whole application. Deriving from other languages and systems, such as Ruby or Java, it represents the application server. The server implementation also represents the cluster master. It manages the whole IPC pool and starts and restarts the workers in case they crash. A crashing worker is called a worker crash. The master takes care of an application's high availability to keep it operable even if the worker crashes. To ensure that goal, the master's implementation is as easy and definitive as possible.

If the master crashes, the application's availability cannot be ensured anymore. This case is called a master crash.



  • Bootstraping the backend connection
  • Bootstraping the Express application
  • Bootstraping the module/model/view/controler layer
  • Providing the HTTP servers
  • Providing a module's application


The worker is started and managed by the cluster master. After forking the worker process, the backend configuration is loaded and all connections for the specific modules are established. Once completed, the Express application is initialized and middleware is loaded into the application's request stack. Subsequently, the specific modules are searched for controllers and integrated into the application. Furthermore, the configure() method of the worker context is called to load worker specific middleware or to start other bootstrapping processes.

Finally, the HTTP server is provided with the configured Express application and starts listening to the configured TCP port. The application is ready by this point.

Worker Context


  • Configuring the specific application context
  • Specifying which backend connections and modules are loaded


The worker context is different from the generic worker as it provides the worker with additional information. Theoretically, the generic worker would suffice to run an application, but it wouldn't describe an application specific profile.

To add another worker to the project, only a new context is needed, even if it isn't specialized in anything.


The framework delivers a binary called greppy which is an equivalent to the Ruby on Rails binary rails. With the help of this command you can initalize new projects, start or stop them and even list contexts or their statuses.

By the way: With version 0.3.0 you can use the greppy binary in all paths of a Greppy project. It will automatically search for the project root recursively. This will bring you even more comfort.

Common tasks


Synopsis: greppy --version|-v

Greppy can print out some information about it's current release and status. If you run this command in an Greppy project, it will print some details for this project too.

Process management


Synopsis: greppy --start|-s [CONTEXT1 CONTEXT2 ...] [-d]

Starts all worker contexts of the application if no contexts were given or the given ones. You got the ability to start the contexts with the --debug or -d switch, which starts the contexts as foreground processes which log all output to the terminal. If you specify more than one context, a GNU Screen session will be launched.


Synopsis: greppy --stop|-k [CONTEXT1 CONTEXT2 ...]

Stops all worker contexts if none were given or all given ones.


Synopsis: greppy --restart|-r [CONTEXT1 CONTEXT2 ...]

Restart just stops and starts all worker contexts if none were given or all given ones.


Synopsis: greppy --status|-m

The status command lists all worker contexts of the application and detects if the context is running. If so it shows how much memory the worker context uses.


Synopsis: greppy --debug|-d [-s|--start|-k|--stop|-r|--restart]

The debug switch can be used in combination with start, stop and restart. It puts the application into the debugging mode which contains the following settings:

  • If a fatal error or an uncaught exception occurs the master won't restart the works (no handling of worker crashs).
  • Starts the application in foreground so everything gets logged on the terminal
  • If you specify more than one worker context, a GNU Screen session is started

Application management


Synopsis: greppy --new|-n PROJECT_NAME

Bootstrap a new Greppy project in the current working directory. So a directory with the specified name will be created and the application structure will be pulled in. Afterwards npm and bower will be run to fetch all dependencies.


Synopsis: greppy --list|-l

List all available worker contexts of the application.

Database management


Synopsis: greppy --db

The greppy binary supports database management by the --db switch. If you specify no operation or any other flag, this command will search all database configurations of the project in the current working directory, if it is a Greppy project.

You can specify the --help flag to get a cheatsheet for all database operations.


Synopsis: greppy --db create [adapter.connection ...]

Create all|the given backend connection(s) based on the specified adapter and configuration. For the MySQL backend adapter, it would try to create a new database based on the configuration.


Synopsis: greppy --db drop [adapter.connection ...]

Drop all|the given backend connection(s) based on the specified adapter.


Synopsis: greppy --db migrate [adapter.connection ...]

Run migrations for all|the given connection(s).


Synopsis: greppy --db fill [adapter.connection ...]

Fill all|the given connection(s) with it's fixture data.


Synopsis: greppy --db clear [adapter.connection ...]

Clear data from all|the given connection(s).


Synopsis: greppy --db build [adapter.connection ...]

Run this operation for all|the given connection(s):

  • create
  • migrate
  • fill

Synopsis: greppy --db rebuild [adapter.connection ...]

Run this operation for all|the given connection(s):

  • drop
  • create
  • migrate
  • fill

Synopsis: greppy --db refill [adapter.connection ...]

Run this operation for all|the given connection(s):

  • clear
  • fill

Asset management


Synopsis: greppy --assets

The greppy binary supports asset management by the --assets switch. If you specify no operation or any other flag, this command will show a help for all available operations.


Synopsis: greppy --assets install [module ...]

With the help of the install operation you can install all assets for all|the given module into /public. This will link up the resources/public directory of a module to public/modules/NAME_OF_MODULE, so they are accessible from the outside.



Synopsis: greppy --generate

The greppy binary supports the generation of wide parts of the application by the --generate switch. If you specify no operation or any other flag, this command will show a help for all available operations. For more details of the scaffolding concept, take a look at the Scaffolding section.


Synopsis: greppy --generate module

This generator offers the ability to create a new module structure with initial layout files. You just need to specify the new module name.


Synopsis: greppy --generate context

The context generation of a working application context is just some keystrokes away. This operation will ask you some questions to setup the new application context.


Synopsis: greppy --generate model

With the help of the model operation, you can generate all necessary files for a complete database backend equipment. A model, it's migration and a fixture for it will be generated. The generated files will be placed at the right paths of the application structure, so you can easily test the results.


Synopsis: greppy --generate controller

The controller operation will generate a complete CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) controller based on the given model so you can just restart the application and will find an working controller experience with all views and resources.